火磚 fire brick
 爐膛清潔 fire cleaning
 防火構造 fireproof construction
 底漆 first coat of paint
 大管輪 first engineer
 第一號肋數 first framing (or transverse) number
 漁業指導船 fisheries guidance boat
 漁業巡護船 fishing patrol boat
 壓緊配合 force fit
 裝配工場 fitter's shop
 安裝 fitting
 火焰開槽 flame gouging
 火管 flame (or fire) tube
 卷邊腋板,凸緣腋板 flanged bracket
 折緣機 flanger (or flanging) machine
 折緣機 flanging machine
 副翼 flapped foil
 手電筒,閃光燈 flash light
 閃光扭力計 flash light torsion meter
 引火點,閃點 flash (or flashing) point
 閃光信號 flash (or flashing) signal
 閃點試驗器 flash tester
 艙內甲板 flat
 扁條 flat bar
 平底 flat bottom
 扁鑿 flat chisel
 壓平試驗,壓扁試驗 flattening test
 瑕疪,裂隙 flaw
 變換角度補償器 fleet angle compensator
 佛[來納]氏舵 Flettner's (or tripple) rudder
 柔性,柔度 flexibility
 柔性纜,柔性電纜 flexible cable (or cord)
 軟管 flexible conduit
 彈性製造系統 flexible manufacturings system (FMS)
 撓性管 flexible pipe
 柔性軸 flexible shaft
 柔性鋼索 flexible steel wire rope
 柔性導波裝置 flexible wave guide
 校磁鐵棒 flinder's bar
 正反系統 flip-flap system
 浮子,筏 float (or floate)
 游動滑車 floating block
 浮揚狀況 floating condition
 起重[工作]船 floating crane
 浮動液位計 float level gauge
 浮[動]環 float ring
 浮扣阱 float trap
 浮式流速儀 float type flow meter
 浮子水位指示器 float water level indicator
 浮冰海域 floe field
 可浸長度曲線 floodable length curve
 浸水船況 flooded condition
 浸水穩度 flooded stability
 可浸長度計算 flooding calculation
 可浸長度曲線 flooding curve
 浸水試驗 flooding test
 泛水閥 flooding valve
 底肋板 floor
 地板釘(放樣) floor pin
 艙地空間 floor space
 螢石 flourite
 流程圖 flow chart
 合流閥 flow collecting valve
 流力激振 flow-induced oscillation (or vibration)
 煙道氣滅火系統 flue gas extinguisher system
 流入角 fluid inlet angle
 流出角 fluid outlet angle
 平式套座 flush socket
 助熔劑切割 flux injection cutting
 望台 flying bridge
 通路船橋 flying passage
 噴霧嘴 fog (or spray) nozzle
 帆底緣 foot
 艏艉向 fore and aft
 前尖艙壁,艏尖艙壁 forepeak bulkhead
 艏托架,艏托台(下水) fore poppet
 前桅帆船 fore schooner
 前[三角帆]帆腳索 foresheet
 鍛工場 forge shop
 破壞 fracture
 肋骨圖 frame body plan
 肋腋板 frame bracket
 肋骨線 frame line
 肋骨結構 frame work
 干舷甲板 freeboard deck
 干舷標誌 freeboard mark
 自由液面 free surface
 自由水影響 free water effect
 基[本]頻[率] fundamental frequency
 頻率分析器 frequency analyzer
 頻率偏差 frequency deviation
 分頻器 frequency divider
 頻率響應 frequency response
 頻率合成器 frequency synthesizer
 頻率容[許]差[度] frequency tolerance
 淡水泵 fresh water pump
 淡水艙,淡水櫃 fresh water tank
 摩擦鼓 friction drum
 摩擦水頭,摩擦落差 friction head
 摩擦焊 friction welding
 燃料控制桿 fuel controlling lever
 燃料噴射閥 fuel injection valve
 燃油艙,燃油櫃 fuel oil tank
 燃油貯存櫃 fuel storage tank
 朔望潮,大潮 full and change high water
 滿載船況 full load condition
 全馬力試 full power trial
 足尺,實物大小 full size
 全轉速(港內) full speed
 全潛式水翼(水翼船) fully submerged foil
 煙囪面積 funnel area
 自然送風 funnel (or natural) draught
 爐前金屬件 furnace front
 爐口,爐口金屬件 furnace mouth
 保型背板 fairing strong back
 固定釘 fastening nail
 羽毛枕 feather pillow
 備用給水櫃 feed water reserve tank
 有限元素法 FEM (= finite element method)
 渡船 ferry boat (or ferry)
 纖維強化熱塑性塑料 fiberglass reinforced thermoplastic plastics (FRTP)
 纖維纜索 fiber rope
 濾光透鏡 filter lens
 消防桶 fire bucket
 火災控制[平面]圖 fire control plan
 滅火,消防 fire fighting
 魚艙 fish hold
 漁船 fishing vessel
 自由配合 free fit
 固定端 fixed end
 固定型接頭 fixed type of joint
 焰板 flame plate
 火焰傳播速度 flame propagation velocity
 平錘 flattening hammer (or iron)
 浮動型鑽油台 floating hull type drilling rig
 浮動儀表台 floating instrument platform
 艙頂板 floor ceiling
 流體動力學 fluid dynamics
 焊藥銅板背襯法 flux copper backing method (FCB)
 艏三角帆 flying jib
 折迭式箱形托貨板 folding box pallet
 折尺 folding measure (or scale)
 順浪,從浪 following sea (or wave)
 艏材跟部 fore foot
 前頂桅 fore topmast
 上艏艙 forward quarter
 鑄工場,鑄造 foundry
 肋骨墊材 frame liner
 干舷勘劃 freeboard assignment
 自[由墜]落下水 free fall launching
 自由波 free wave
 冷凍艙 freezing chamber (or room )
 冷凍劑 freezing mixture
 調頻 frequency modulation (FM)
 淡水過濾器 fresh water filter
 摩擦,摩擦力 friction
 摩擦曳力 frictional drag
 摩擦阻力 frictional resistance
 燃油消耗率 fuel consumption rate (FCR)
 燃料控制桿 fuel regulating handle ( or lever)
 全[厚]填角焊 full fillet weld
 全升閥 full lift valve
 全速試 full speed trial
 易熔金屬 fusible alloy (or metal)
 繫纜肋材(帆船) futtock rigging
 鍛錘 forging hammer
 噚(等於六呎) fathom
 測深儀 fathometer
 疲乏,疲勞 fatigue
 活鍵 feather key
 給水泵 feed pump
 玻璃纖維布 fibre glass cloth
 玻璃纖維強化塑料 fibre glass reinforced plastics (FRP)
 餐桌緣框 fiddle
 琴式滑車 fiddle block
 船飾 fiddle head
 雙筒望遠鏡 field glasses
 纖維絲氈 filament mat
 側面填角焊[shear接] fillet weld in parallel
 油膜冷卻孔 film cooling hole
 膜厚控制 film thickness control
 濾櫃 filter tank
 國際會議蕆事文件 final act of the international conference
 最後塗層,面漆 final coating
 排灰旋塞 fire (or ash) cock
 抗火完整性 fire integrity
 消防旋塞,排灰旋塞 fireman's cock
 司爐用櫃 fireman's tank
 防火 fire protecting
 燒火用具 firing tool
 吊錨,滑車 fish block
 漁業巡護船 fisheries patrol boat
 釣魚線 fishing line
 魚尾板 fish plate
 裝配工,機匠 fitter
 裝配工場 fitting shop
 裝配,裝合 fit up
 固定 fix
 定值控制 fixed command control
 固定葉片 fixed vane
 火焰 flame
 火焰切割機 flame cutting machine
 折緣試驗 flanging test
 閃光標誌 flashing beacon
 平底艏 flat bow
 平頭槽螺栓 flat head grooved bolt
 平縱接縫,平縱緣 flat seam
 平滑閥 flat slide valve
 貫層方向 flatwise
 艦隊,船隊 fleet
 抗撓剛度,抗彎剛度 flexural rigidity
 浮式計 float gauge
 浮塢 floating dock
 浮動軸承 floating frame bearing
 浮桿 floating lever
 可浸長度 floodable length
 浸水艙區 flooded compartment
 塢門,浸水門 flood gate
 浸水試驗 flood (or flooding) test
 流量係數 flow coefficient
 整流係數(舵) flow straightening coefficient
 流體貨物 fluid cargo
 沖洗 flushing
 平銲接 flush weld
 銅板墊單面潛弧焊 flux copper backing welding (F.C.B.)
 飛船 flying boat
 泡沫滅火器 foamite extinguisher
 噴泡器 foam (or froth) sprinkler
 折椅 folding chair
 呎磅 foot-pound
 踏板 foot step
 強迫橫搖 forced rolling
 縱帆式雙桅帆船 fore and aft schooner
 艏斜肋骨(木船) fore cant frame
 預冷器 fore cooler (or precooler )
 鍛造,鍛件 forging
 鍛擊試驗 forging test
 艙口側半梁 fork beam
 船形效應 form effect
 鑄工 foundryman
 四衝程循環 four cycle (or stroke)
 艏[部]肋骨 fore end frame
 出氣管 freeing pipe
 自由表面衝擊波 free surface shock wave
 變頻機 frequency converter
 摩擦聯結器 friction coupling
 摩擦疲勞 friction fatigue
 正視圖 front elevation
 前面填角焊 front fillet weld
 前管集箱,前管頭箱 front header
 佛勞得-克利洛夫力 Froude-Krylov force
 佛氏試驗 Froude's experiment
 青果船 fruit carrier
 燃油添加劑 fuel oil additives
 始動燃油泵 fuel oil priming pump
 燃油清淨器 fuel oil purifier
 漂白土(濾油) Fuller's earth
 全壓力 full pressure
 重[結]構船 full scantling vessel
 全周銲接 full (or all-around) welding
 自然通風 funnel draft
 煙囪牽索 funnel stay
 保險絲組件 fuse element
 熔斷電流 fusing current
 疲勞強度 fatigue strength
 完全展開波 FDS (= fully developed sea)
 羽毛床墊 feather mattress
 給水調節器 feed regulator
 厚薄規,測隙規 feeler gauge (or searcher )
 凹模,母模 female mold
 有限吹風距離波 fetch-limited sea (or waves)
 纜索高線傳遞設備 fiber rope highline rig
 纖維 fibre (or fiber)
 玻璃纖維包線 fibre glass cover wire
 爐艙風道甲板 fiddley deck
 場磁鐵 field magnet
 填角焊[接] fillet welding
 肋骨填材(木船) filling timber
 瘦度 fineness
 完工檢查 finish-turn inspection
 火警警報系統 fire alarm system
 主消防水管 fire main pipe
 防火艙壁 fire proof bulkhead
 鍋爐艙踏格 fire room grating
 船具庫 fitting locker
 定光閃光燈 fixed and flashing light
 固定低脹力泡沫滅火系統 fixed low-expansion foam fire-extinguishing system
 滅焰器 flame arrester
 焰錐 flame cone
 平閥 flat valve
 平焊 flat welding
 防振襯墊 flexible mounting
 自由浮離下水 float-free launching
 浮接充電 floating charging
 浮上浮下船 float-on / float-off ship
 浸水 flood
 底肋板 floor plate
 螢光燈,日光燈 flourescent lamp
 流,流量 ,流動 flow
 顫動回聲 flutter echo
 石棉墊單面潛弧焊 flux asbesto backing welding (F.A.B.)
 現場發泡 foamed in place
 霧鐘 fog bell
 霧中信號 fog signal
 箔應變計 foil strain gauge
 追蹤控制 follow control
 追蹤裝置 follow up mechanism
 基礎,底腳 footing
 艏[部]肋骨 fore end frame
 桿鎖(有桿錨) forelock
 前斜傾度 fore rake
 前帆 fore sail
 鍛鋼 forged steel
 肋材 frame bar
 弓鋸,框鋸 frame saw
 干舷計算 freeboard calculation
 冷凍船 freezing carrier
 凍結試驗 freezing test
 曲線板 french curve
 摩擦煞 friction brake
 摩擦損失 friction loss
 巡防艦,中型快速艦 frigate
 迎風面積 frontal area
 全艦飾 full dress (or dressing) ship
 全空蝕推進器(高速艇) fully cavitating propeller
 功能設計 function design
 保險絲盒 fuse box
 玻璃纖維積層 fibre glass laminates
 艏[飾]像 figure head
 完工作業 finishing operation
 完成圖 finish plan
 火泥 fire clay
 漁業訓練船 fisheries training boat
 漁業加工船 fishery (or fisheries) factory ship
 漁船隊 fishing fleet
 隙裂,罅裂 fissure
 配合 fit
 固定甲板泡沫系統 fixed deck foam system
 夾具 fixture
 凸緣閥 flange valve
 轉板,襟翼 ,翼形艙蓋 flap
 擋葉 flapper
 平面度 flatness
 平板龍骨 flat plate keel
 柔度矩陣(結構分析) flexibility matrix
 飛行甲板(航艦) flight deck
 浮動環 floating ring
 泛水管 flooding pipe
 溢流閥 flood (or flooding) valve
 流動床[燃燒]鍋爐 fluidized bed firing (or combustion) boiler
 飛輪效應 flywheel effect
 泡綿 foamed plastic
 霧笛 fog horn
 霧標 fog target
 領班 foreman
 前曲葉片 forward curved vane
 鑄工場 foundry shop
 肋骨橫剖麵線圖 framing body plan
 干舷 freeboard
 干舷規則 freeboard rule
 干舷區域 freeboard zone
 自由擺動 free oscillation
 自由液面效應 free surface effect
 貨船 freight vesssel (or freighter)
 變頻機,變頻器 frequency changer
 鑑頻器 frequency discriminator
 清風,五級風 fresh breeze
 新鮮食品 fresh provision
 磨擦輪 frictional wheel
 摩擦鋸床 friction saw
 摩擦跡流 friction wake
 泡沫救火器 froth fire extinguisher
 油氣混合物 fuel-air mixture
 加油整補站 fueling-at-sea station (FAS)
 燃油過濾器 fuel oil filter
 全塑性力矩 full plastic moment
 肥型船 full ship
 漁具 fishing tackle
 固定端力矩 fixed end moment
 不揮發性油 fixed oil
 火焰退火 flame annealing
 火焰探測器 flame detector (or eye, or monitor)
 火焰導板 flame piloting baffle
 難燃性電纜 flame retardant cable
 回閃(火焰) flash back
 平底船 flat bottom boat
 柔性聯結器 flexible coupling (or joint)
 旗艦 flotilla leader
 煙道氣滅火裝置 flue gas fire extinguisher
 平頭鉚釘 flush head rivet
 艏斜桿 flying jib boom
 佛廷格水力聯結器 Foettinger hydraulic coupling
 霧號台 fog signal station
 殿緣,後緣(螺槳) following (or trailing) edge
 壓緊配合 force fit
 壓力泵 force pump
 縱材 fore and aft runner
 縱帆 fore and aft sail
 前貨艙 fore hold
 艏垂標 fore perpendicular
 前平衡櫃(潛艇) fore trimming tank
 風箱 forge and bellow
 鍛工鉗 forging tongs
 船形計算吃水 form (or geometrical) draught
 船形阻力 form resistance
 濁氣 foul air
 積垢 fouling
 固定螺距螺槳 FPP (= fixed pitch propeller)
 自由彎曲 free bend
 洩水口(舷牆) freeing port (or wash port)
 貨船 freighter (or freight vessel)
 頻域 frequency domain
 正視圖,前視圖 front view
 豐滿艏艉 full ended
 轉爐滾子 furnace roller
 平錘 flattening hammer (or iron)
 捕魚加工船 fish meal factory ship
 固定車輛甲板 fixed car deck

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